Wildlife Laws – Only the Fastest Will Survive

Wildlife Laws – Only the Fastest Will Survive In a land of dangers, plant-eating animals are always at risk, and never more so than at the time of their birth; out on the open they are vulnerable and there are few places to hide. But luckily some are born to run…Out on the African plains […]

Skagerrak – Europe’s Unique Marine Animal Habitat

Skagerrak – Europe’s Unique Marine Animal Habitat The strait that connects the North Sea with the Baltic, with depths of over 700 meters, is notorious for its dangerously strong currents. But currents also mean food and therefore nourishment for the large swarms of fish that inhabit the region. The sea grass meadows are comparable with […]

Cheetahs – Fastest Hunters in Africa

Cheetahs – Fastest Hunters in Africa If cheetahs were race cars – definitely Formula One. Cheetahs are the high-speed hunters of the Savannah. Even though they’re super speedy, and there are few animals they can’t catch, cheetahs rarely attempt to take on larger prey than gazelles or smallish antelopes. But on occasion, the predatory cats […]

Magical Moors – A Mysterious World Full of Life

Magical Moors – A Mysterious World Full of Life Eerie and menacing, yet hauntingly beautiful and highly evocative. The rugged Moor landscape has long fuelled our imagination, inspiring artists and poets, evoking images both terrifying and deeply romantic. It’s a land of contrasts. Wide open heaths, windswept and barren in winter, are transformed into wonderful […]

Maasai Mara – The Big Hunt

Maasai Mara – The Big Hunt When food supply in the Serengeti dwindles, the Maasai Mara is a paradise for predators. As the black wildebeests, gazelles, zebras and antelopes make their yearly trip from the south of the Serengeti to the north, nature’s best laid trap, the Mara River in Kenya is waiting ahead. Captivating […]

Birds of Passage – A Secret Journey Through the Skies

Birds of Passage – A Secret Journey Through the Skies For the first time ever, explore unprecedented migratory travels! Every year, millions of migratory birds make their epic journey across Europe. Heading south in the fall, north in the spring, recently there have been fewer birds in our skies. Some species have even vanished entirely. […]